Extractions - Aftercare

Today, we removed your damaged or decaying tooth/teeth. Following these instructions closely will greatly help your comfort and promote uneventful healing of the area. If any of the instructions are not followed, you might have significantly more discomfort, and the success of the procedure may be affected.

  • The local anaesthetic will cause you to be numb for several hours after you leave the prac-tice. Be careful not to bite, chew, pinch or scratch the numb area. Sometimes the extraction causes residual numbness or tingling for six weeks or longer.
  • Keep slight pressure on the gauze for at least 30 minutes. After 30 minutes you may remove it. You may bite on gauze or a dry tea bag for another 30 minutes if you feel it is still bleeding. A small amount of blood in the saliva is normal and may be noticed for the rest of the day after the procedure. If the bleeding is excessive, please return to our clinic or go to your local emergency department.
  • Do not rinse or spit on the day of the extraction. For several days after the extraction, rinse your mouth out after every meal and before sleeping with a glass of warm water with half teaspoon of salt in it. Hold the solution in your mouth for a few minutes, repeat 2-3 times.
  • For the next few days, it is very important to allow your body to form a clot and start the natural healing process. Swishing. sucking through a straw, and smoking can dislodge the cot. Keep anything sharp from entering the wound (crunchy food, toothpicks, and eating utensils).
  • Don’t drink alcohol or smoke for at least three days following the extraction. The longer you avoid alcohol and smoking the better the healing process will be. Not smoking for a few days will also decrease the chance of you developing a painful Dry Socket, if pain does occur, please come back in and see us.
  • Some discomfort is normal after surgery. To minimize pain, take two non-aspirin pain relievers every 3-4 hours until bedtime to maintain comfort. Take it before the anaesthesia wears off. If prescription pain medication is prescribed, take as instructed. Do not exceed the dose on the label. Do not drink alcohol while taking pain prescription medications.
  • Slight bruising and swelling is normal.
  • If the discomfort is not getting better after 5 days, please contact us.
  • If sutures were put in, you may be required to come back after a week or so to have them removed.