Deep Fillings - Aftercare

Today we removed any old fillings and decay from your tooth/teeth. The bacterial decay was very deep and close to the nerve, there is a risk that the nerve may die because of this. If the nerve does not survive, it will mean that Root Canal Treatment or an Extraction will be needed. Also, due to the depth of the filling, the chances of your tooth surviving pain-free in the long term are moderate to low. Even so, we are willing to take the chance of keeping your tooth alive for as long as possible.

  • If we used a local anaesthetic, it will take between an hour to several hours to wear off. While your mouth is numb, be very careful not to bite or burn your cheers, lips or tongue.
  • New fillings can feel a little unnatural at first. That is because your mouth is highly sensitive to changes in shape, size or texture. Not to worry – you will soon get used to your new filling and won’t notice it anymore.
  • After the numbness wears off, you might find you bite the affected tooth more heavily than before, if so, you might need a bite adjustment where we re-shape the filling for a better fit. This issue is very common and happens because it is harder to bite your teeth together naturally when your mouth is numb. Just give us a call and we will book you in for an adjustment.
  • It is normal to have some hot, cold and pressure sensitivity after your appointment. This sensitivity can linger for several weeks. These symptoms will usually go away over time but please let us know if they don’t. The pain may be from your tooth’s nerve dying, and a root canal or extraction may be needed. You con take pain relief for any tenderness or discomfort. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen usually works well.
  • After a deep cavity is restored with a filling, the nerve may only survive pain-free for weeks, but it may also survive for years. Our philosophy is to avoid root canal treatment or extraction unless it’s necessary. Because of this, we find it worthwhile to let the tooth “tell” us if it needs further treatment. This approach may save you unnecessary dentistry and expense.
  • It is up to you to look after your filling. To prevent further decay, it is vital that you care for your teeth by brushing and flossing well.