Root Canal Final Stage - Aftercare

Today we cleaned out the medicine from the previous stage of your treatment and filled up the roots to prevent re-infection.

  • If we used a local anaesthetic, it can take between an hour to several hours to wear off. While your mouth is numb, be very careful not to accidentally bite or burn your cheeks, lips or tongue.
  • It is normal to feel some tenderness for a few days after your treatment as part of your body’s natural healing process. You can take pain relief for any discomfort. Paracetamol and ibuprofen usually work well.
  • You can eat and drink straight away, but we recommend waiting until the numb feeling has worn off.
  • Your tooth is now weak because there is a large filling in it. This means your tooth will require a crown in the future to:
    • Prevent the tooth from collapsing or splitting
    • Seal the tooth from future re-infection
  • We normally recommend a crown within 3-6 months to strengthen the tooth.